Sunday 3 February 2013

Hey Lucy

Hey Lucy

Cinny Here….

I am writing in a new font. I am still Expirementing on which Font I should write in. The previous font Poriet One. It was way hard to read and the font it self is small.

I think it has been quite a while since I have posted an entry on this blog. I AM SO SORRY. MARIE has been nagging me for so long since she wants me to post something. I will write 2 more posts about my life right now beause I have a lot to share with you.

I have also updated the page. ‘Quotes’ with more of my fave quotes. I hope u check it out.

I really need to update the page ‘Music Shares’ because I haven’t commented on a song I would suggest to you.

N the 1st Feb 2013, which was 2 days ago. I started school again. But I am now entering as a Year 12. Year 12 are considered ‘Big Seniors’ WOW I cannot believe that I am in Year 12 and only 2 more years til I graduate highschool and leave school. That is CREEEPY.

I have to say 2012 WENT so fast. Like an blink of an eye. Woosh.

I got my exam results. They were average, the marks I did really expect. I thought I would get a few Merits but I didn’t. At least I passed NCEA Level 1. Yay and got a Merit course Endorsement.

At school , I met my friends and got to catch up, like sharing stories and talking like old times. Also laughing. My friend shared to me that her cousin , needed some help in deep water and a really cute & hot life guard saved her. I love cute superhero boys, they seen so heroic. LOL.

My prince will come someday, I am waiting for you. J This seems so cliché.

At school I got to see my form teacher from last year because she is mine this year aswell. She is soooo nice, she also bakes really good. Last year she baked afghan cookies, caramel slice… etc. 

This time she baked a chocolate cake with my classes’s number and teacher code on it. It was very rich, moist and spongy. It was a great cake.

I can’t wait to chat to you on Msn tomorrow. What time???

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