Saturday 16 February 2013



In English yesterday, we learnt about heroes. I learnt that ordinary people like paramedics, ambulance officers, police and fire fighters are actually heroes underneath. An example of a hero that we looked at in class was a article written by a ambulance officer which experienced the devastating Christchurch, New Zealand which happened on September 4th 2010.The officer was a hero because, when the earthquake hit, he was at home but he decided to go to work because Christchurch needed medical help. On that day he saw many people who died and even argued with a surgeon to try and save a 20 year old’s life. Unfortunately she died.

Heroes are people who help people, put the person first before himself or herself, supportive, calm, motivated, determined, courageous/ brave, and strong.

Ordinary people can be heroes. They can be heroes by volunteering to help out the poor people in less unfortunate countries like East Timor, or Africa. That experience of going there is amazing because you get to see the world through a different pair of eyes and perspective because people live in different countries which have different way of living life.

I like English this year because you get to learn about mature topics which makes you think more about what it really means and it gives you another way to think about it. Another reason why I like English is that the teacher doesn’t tell us what to do, instead the teacher gets us to discuss and tell each other opinions which makes everyone think a little harder and gives us another way to think about the person’s opinion.

We are all heroes inside us, we don’t need to rip out a flash suit like bat man’s. It is inside all of us but mostly we don’t see it. But others will.

- Cinny

a strong man stands up for himself.
a stronger man stands up for others

A hero is not someone who is unafraid; a hero is someone who knows fear but does the right thing anyway.


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