Wednesday 13 February 2013

My Roots

Tuesday 5th Feb.

In English class we read a poem called roots which is written by Louise Phyn which was a past  year 13 student at my highschool. I really like this poem.

Here is that poem:


See the girl                                                                       
See the girl standing                                              
Like a mast in the beached waka.                               
The wind is trying
Hi best                                                                  
To uproot the girl                                     
To whip her into the open mouth
Of the

The wind has angered the sand
And it swirls
In a frenzy of white
And grates
At the face
Of the little mast girl
And her grey silhouette
Dissolves in the sea.

See the girl standing             
 the little mast girl
Is also a tree
And her roots stand strong
Like a mast in the beached waka.                               

In class we talked about the the word roots in the poem and what it could mean. My class all agreed on the roots of the girl meant the things the girl holds dearly which makes her strong like roots of a tree.

We all had a brainstorm of what our roots are.

My roots are my famil,y, you (lucy), past achievement, art, music, documentaries, movies, books, my trip to Hong Kong this year, my love to travel, my beliefs and values, EGGS, Quotes, my culture and heratige.

I really look forward ,to write this piece of writing .Talking about my roots and myself.

 I like this topic because it is very relevant to this day, to us teenagers. Since we are all trying to find things which makes us strong, since life in the future may not be as stable. The things we think which may make us strong maybe destroyed by a little bit of experimentation like Drugs and alcohol. We are also contstantly wanting to find ourselves and thinking about our future.

 I want you: Lucy to write a post about what are your roots and what they mean to you.

-      Cinny
-      I miss you lots

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