Wednesday 6 February 2013

hey cinny

whoa  where did you learn 안녕하세요 from?? i was like, wow!:)
um sorry for not writing posts:'( i feel so bad and guilty

today, our whole entire school students went to the movies and watched a movie called 'baksoogundal' (sorry i don't know how to translate this in english) it is about this guy from a gang trying to become a 'moodang' which is a person who scares away ghosts. it was SOOOOO boring that i slept for like half an hour :( such a bad movie
but after the movie my best friends and I went to a huge restaurant called Ashley and it was a buffet. at the restaurant i ate spaghetti, pasta, many kinds of pizzas, fruits, coffee, wedges, chicken, and etc etc. and i ate about 4 plates of food. it was sooooooo yummy i LOVE-LOVE-LOVED IT :)
after that, we went to photo studio and took lots of photos of ourselves, since we wont see each other after graduation. we wanted to leave a memory by taking photos. maybe i shud upload them tomorrow:)
I have 7 best friends. and they are AWESOME!! we always hang out together.:) but they arent as special as you cinny :) they r just typical friends in school, but u r a special friend to me.
7 friends have all different nicknames. their nicknames r called, Cheekballs, chicken, Sandy, Cutiepie, beanpole, model, and lastly I am called mankyung which is a slightly changed name of my korean name. they r soooooo cool and kind. i wish u cud meet them:)\
this weekend i am going to Kangneung, which is the area where my grandparents live. this weekend is special in korea cuz its korean new years day:) its called sulnal in korean. on Sulnal childrens get money from adults for luck of the new year. i cant wait to receive money from my grandparents!!! it makes me so excited :)

luv ya lots

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