Saturday 16 February 2013

Hello Hello again

Hey Lucy...

Cinny here..

I am very sorry that I haven’t been visiting this site this week. I have been given homework and I am trying to finish them all. All the teachers give me homework nearly everyday. Also I am trying to manage my time, I am bad at managing my time lately plus I am trying to join all the groups at school because its my 2nd to last year at high school. I want to try new things this year.

This year the workload is much bigger. I really have to step up my game if I want Merits or Excellences in my internals and externals.
I really want this year to be a good year.

It is quite hot in New Zealand, it can get blazingly hot and can get sun burnt easily but today it in Auckland it is cloudy and it even rained today. What a weird day. LOL

The subjects I am taking are Biology, Chemistry, Physics, English, and Statistics.

I am really loving Biology and English because it is so interesting. The teachers are also so Amazing and cool.

I like biology because we are learning about ecology, which is a study about how animals interact with their environment they live in. We are learning about the Rocky shore, like the organisms and plants that live there. We also go on a trip to an island and collect data. It is very interesting. We get to learn about starfish, top shell snails, shrimp and other cool sea creatures that live on the rocky shore.

Currently I am working on my banner for my class. The banner is for the athletics day parade. Every year each year level is given a theme. Each class in that year level is given each theme thing. Eg: The theme for my year level is reality tv shows. My class’s show is COPS. Cops is an American police show where the camera people follow what the police in USA do. Like arrests and stuff like that. I am not quite sure how my description of the reality tv show cops is that accurate. The banner is made out of paper since it is easier to carry and I don’t have much time to make it. Last year I painted the banner and it was very time consuming. But in the end it looked amazing.

Athletics is on next Tuesday and Thursday. I love athletics day, it is so fun, because you get to hang out with your friends and talk for a whole day. We also have a huge dance party after lunch. I wish you were coming. It WOULD BE SO MUCH FUN. Also the weather is usually really nice and warm.

I saw the 2 videos that you put up. I was so happy because I got to see you and Olivia. I like your room it looks cool. I like the song you sang, it suited your voice. I didn’t know that you sing o_0. I was so surprised.

I am so sorry that I didn’t go and talk to you last Monday. I will make it up to you buy talking to you this Monday. I promise.

School currently is very hectic and there are so many things to learn. AHHHHH. I hope to upload a video on my channel but I am kind of scared. I wish I had the courage you had when you videoed yourself singing.

Sorry this post is very long. I made it long because I need to fill you in all the things that have been going on. Be surprised because I will be posting more hopefully soon.

I really like your poem waves, it is well written. Your writing skills are very good. I used to write poems. Maybe I could type it into my post one day.

I miss you lots and Olivia aswell.


Here is a quote i LOVE. I hope you enjoy it. :)

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