Monday 4 February 2013

Hey Hey

Hi Lucy

On the 2nd Feb I went to a Chinese New Year event held at the ASB showgrounds which is near One Tree Hill. I arrived at the place with my mum at 11am.

The weather is SOOO sunny and hot , that day it was PERFECT to go to the beach like Mission Bay.

I arrived at the place. It looked really small because the room gets smaller cause there are less stalls. Since there are more and more Chinese new year events being held in Auckland.

I remember that when I can to this event with my gran, the room was like 2 times bigger, and there were more stalls also more people aswell. There would be people nudging other people’s shoulders because there were so many people in that huge room. Also when I was little , I use to go to the Nekta Kiwifruit stall and try their juice all the time.

This year I went to their stall about 4- 5 times to drink their yummy juice. I tried all of their juice even their Newest one. But my fave is the Gold kiwifruit juice, it is Sooo sweet. I love it.

At the event I pass out some calendars for mum’s workplace. In the morning I passesd out about 5-6 piles of calendars. It was easier to pass them out because I was at the entrance of the event room. In like 5- 10 mins I would finish a pile. The pile of calendars were about 2 cm thick and would contain about 30 ish calendars.

For lunch I had a beef and 2 vegeterian steamed buns. They were delisious. I really needed a break from passing out sooo many calendars. Also on my break I drank a lot of water because I was really thirsty.

After lunch I passed out more calendars but this time I passed them out with Xt. I passed out less calendars because I got sick of passing them out to people. It was getting sooo BORING. AHHHH …… This time me and Xt passed the calendars outside the event centre, into where the food stalls were.

It was soooo hot outside. I am not joking around here….. IT WAS LIKE AN OVEN. The Sun was practically burning my skin. It is also bright outside. I really needed sunglasses. REAL BADLY. At the food stalls I bought a milk tea and a American hot dog. I did a really bad job passing out the calendars in the afternoon.

Finished passing out calendars. Walked to my mums car. Mum came.

Drove to pak n save. Did some shoppin. Bought sum ice cream.

Drove to One tree hill. Me and my mum went ate some trumpet ice cream . Sooo good. After a day long of HARd work . Yeah.

GOOD DAY TO END this day.

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