Sunday 6 January 2013

Today's Diary-Lucy

It is right now 8:35pm in korea and I am sitting in front my laptop. Today, I woke up at 9 am and took a shower. I always take a shower everyday so I can keep myself fresh :) and I ate my breakfast as normal. For breakfast, I ate fish and rice. I overslept so I had to eat by myself. After I had breakfast, I brushed my teeth and did my math homework which is due wednesday. I have loads of homework and I don't have much time to take a rest :'( but when I take some rests I always check if there's any new emails or new posts on this blog. After I did some homework, I checked if there's any emails, and I saw your email arrived:) YAY that makes me happy. I read your email and also checked the blog. YEESS! u uploaded a post! I read it and smiled,  giggled on my own. I wondered what u wud be doing then. For lunch I had sushi:)
I left my house at about 1:30pm and headed to academy. My mum took me ther by her car. It is so cold in here, freezing cold. I miss nz weather.  i remember in nz it rains in winter and it is sunny in summer. I think nz weather is much better than korean weather.
after the class ended it was 4:30pm. I got out and took the bus to go home. when I arrived home, our family all went to church and prayed :)  i had a good time at church. it feels warm in there. After that it was dinner time. peter and his dad went to see a movie called 'le miserable'. my mum and me went to a restaurant with my grandparents. we ate some korean pork. it wasn't that good. i didn't like it that much :'( after that and i arrived home, and im writing this diary. i am right now about to finish my homework and go to bed. Good night cinny :)


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