Saturday 5 January 2013

Hello Lucy

Hello Lucy

Cinny here J it is 5th Janurary 2013. It has been so long since I have seen you in person. Everyday I think of you and your lovely green bear Olivia. I haven’t seen you in like 3 and a half years. We really have to meet. Today I have been going on tumblr, youtube, pintrest. I have been feeling like I am waisting soooo much time on crushing SERIOUSLY HOT BRITISH GUY YOUTUBERZ. Like the Harries Twins, Alfie Deyes, Marcus Butler, Niallyg, MrBradCorey, Drewisharing, AmazingPhil, Danisnotonfire….. the list literally goes on and on. Maybe one day I will share with glourious list of british youtuberS????? I forgot to mention there are other hot youtubers like jccaylen, connor franta………. Its always youtube these days. The youtubers I am subscribed to , make me inspired to make youtube videos. I am scared, but I am going to try and make youtube videos. I have always wanted to do this but I feel like if I give up now, I may regret it later because in life you feel like you can do it but if there is an obstacle, we humans want to give up and be terrified forever. For example its like conquering a fear or phobia of something. At first you want to scream and run because you don’t want to face it ever in your life. But eventually you will relies it as scary because you have achieved something and it isn’t as scary now. Also my uncle from Vancouver, Canada is staying with my family and its my first time meeting him. He is quite cool actually. J

I miss you lots. Remember: believe in yourself because you feel much stronger with belief and confidence.


Love you and Livia lots.


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