Monday 7 January 2013

Dear Diary

Hey Lucy                             

7th Jan 2013

Currently it is 5.30 pm in the afternoon. I am so excited to talk to you in like about 2 hours time. I can’t wait.

Guess what ??? in 2 days time I will be traveling to China for a 20 day trip. I am Soooo excited. Also my uncle from Canada will also be going with us as well.

Finally I am going somewhere in the holidays. YAY x 1 million. I SERIIOUSLY can’t wait but on the morning I have to leave , I have to get up at 4:30am in the morning. Ahhh so early.

Today is the 7th Jan in Nz. It is SOOOOO Windy in Auckland. Right now I am wearing the cool neardy fake glasses I got yesterday. They look so cool. I am sooo happy.

This morning I woke up at 9.30am . Ate breakfast at 9.45. I ate cornflakes with milk and jam on toast . yummy. No hard boiled egg yay!!!!!!!!
For lunch I ate one large red potato and a small corn on the cob. The corn was sweet and yummy. For afternoon tea I had a slice of wholegrain toast , a biscuit and some sweet cherries.

Due to me going to China in 2 days. I may not post as much enteries because I do not have any internet connection devices like my cell phone. But I will instead post my content about my trip to china when I come back to New Zealand.

Tomorrow will be my last blog entry.

I will miss you when I am in China. We maybe a bit more closer but we cannot meet. Maybe hopefully in the near future.

Do not worry Lucy. We will travel the whole world and experience our adventures together J


-       Cinny Your

-       dearest Best friend


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