Tuesday 8 January 2013

Goodbye Lucy :(

Dear Lucy               8th Jan 2013

Today is the probably the last day I will post for a very long time. 20 days to be exact. Right now my family is busy doing last minute things and getting ready. So am i. Tomorrow I have to get up at 4 am in the morning to go to the airport. I will arrive in Hong Kong airport at about 3 pm in the after noon.
The flight is about 12 hours.

Sadly. I will not be taking Marie because I may loose her L so she is staying in NZ. She said to me that her heart misses Olivia LOTS. Also said that she misses Lucy as well.

I will miss you: Lucy very much. Also your interesting blog entries. I wish you all the best for your homework at your academy. You can do it because in the last post you said that your brain is absorbing so much stuff. Good work.

I am very sorry this post is short.

I promise that when I come back I will post a lot more stuff about the trip and upload pictures as well.

Goodbye Lucy.

I will miss you L

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