Tuesday 29 January 2013


Dear Lucy                                                 29th Jan 2013

Its me: Cinny

It has been about 21 days, without seeing this blog. It seems like FOREVER. I forgive you for not posting as much entries. I understand that you have to prepare for highschool. I wish you all the best and good luck. When I was entering highschool, I felt soooooo nervous: New school, friends, homework and of course new teachers. But when I started for a few weeks. I felt a bit more confident because I now know how everything runs and the rules aswell. Once you get use to that things get a lot better. TRUST ME. K??

I am very sorry for not posting an entry once I touched down in NZ and was near a internet device. Also for the last few days as well. Well on the 26th Jan, I got back frm China. What an AMAZING TRIP. Firstly I rested because on the plane I ONLY slept for 3 hours. How sleep deprived am I ?? I am so CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!! I also busy unpacking the load of stuff that I bought. Luggage bags are HEAVY.  That night I slept til 1pm in the afternoon. I seriously had a great sleep but I wanted more. I decided to wake up and FINISH unpacking my stuff in the luggage cases.

The reason why I slept for 3 hours is that I was too busy watching a movie til midnight also the airhostess woke me up by tapping my shoulder and saying “What do you want for breakfast?”

Its great seeing you post photos of you standing behind famous landmarks like the Eiffel tower in France and others as well. OMG you are going to write a book. Good on you. I wish I had the courage and time to write one. The plot seems interesting. I like fiction fantasy stories. Hopefully one day it will be published and it can be shared and read by teens and pre teens.

I love reading books. We should make a reading recommendation page and comment to each other like on Music Shares J

Yay you have customised the blog. You added Music Shares. Its soo cool. I will try and listen to them when I get some time.

Yesterday was the 28th I went to Newmarket with a friend. It was fun. We ate sushi and my friend bought some spicy chicken. I tried some of it and said to me my faced turned real CHILLI PEPPER red. I think my face was that colour when you asked me to try some Kimchi at your house in NZ. We also bought some milk tea. It was so yummy. It also had brown chewy jelly, yummy J we also bought our school stationary. When I go out with my friends, I really miss hanging out nd talking to you in person.

Today I went to the dentist and he took my 3 wisdom teeth out. It kinda hurts, but I know that at night and morning it will hurt a lot more since the painkiller will wear off. My face looks really swollen. I look real weird because I have this ice pack which is attatched to my head. I wear it like a head band. After going to the dentist I went home and rested and watched my one of my favourite American Shows called The Lying Game, it is such a good show because the plot twists and turns so many times. Then my mum drove me to the orthidontist because I had an appointment. The lady doing my teeth she said I was crazy coming here. They checked my braces and teeth. Mum dropped me at school , so I can change my subject options because it was wrong. The mum told me to walk home. OMG it was Sooo hot and the sun was shining on my fried skin. AHHH but the weather is so nice that I can go to the beach. Oh no. I haven’t ticked my box off for this summer which is :  go to the beach. But I have ticked the box off for eating delicious ice cream.

This is such a LOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNGGGGG Entry I am sorry, You might be kinda bored. In the few hours or days I will be busy typing and posting pictures I took in China . I will be sharing my Amazing trip to you. LUCY. Unfortunately : Marie could not come with me because I may loose her. L

I miss you lots: ‘Lucy’. Very much L also Olivia aswell.

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