Sunday 27 January 2013

hey cinny

i guess ur back in nz and taking a long rest from a long trip. well since u came back, i will try my best to visit the site everyday and post or comment.:) i have 2 things to tell u first, on 7th in february, it's graduation day:) so on that day i graduate middle school and get the diploma. the worst part of graduation is that on the huge screen, every student's pictures get on the HUGE SCREEN which is quite embarrassing. second, i am writing a fantasy novel. I think it is very fun. It s about these fantasy kingdoms. let me tell u specifically what it is about. Adela is an 17 year old girl who is about to become an adult. she is a princess of a kingdom called Anastelon. in order to take the throne, she needs to do the quest, which is a tradition in Anastelon. it is a tradition to finish the quest before a princess or a prince becomes the queen or a king of anastelon. so she goes on a quest with her friends called Lowell and Catherine, and a prince of Elsmiere called Charles jr. she goes through five different countries and experience love, friendship fights and conflicts. but as she experience all these, inside of her gets stronger. at the end she takes the throne and becomes the queen of Anastelon. i cant give u spoilers cuz i will send u the actual printed novel after i give this to publishing company and make this into a REAL BOOK. isn't this cool? right now i wrote up to about 200 pges and i am expecting my novel to be about 300 pages. i will send u the copy when i get it printed.:) i hope u take some rests and when u get better, i wish u cud visit the site and comment:) oh nd i wish u cud upload the pics from china lucy

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