Monday 7 January 2013

Today's diary-LUCY

Hi cinny For today i woke up at 9 and did homework. i know....its quite boring:( But u know what? these days i enjoy doing homework because it feels like i ve improved a lot from doing it, for example when i do my english, math, and korean homework, i can feel my brain sucking up all the stuff that i learned from the academy:) I guess its a good thing to feel that way. i feel so proud of myself:) anyways i did my homework until 6pm. i guess that made me endeavour and bear the pain of homework. at 6:30pm i had to leave for the korean academy. my dad brought me there. the class starts at 7pm and i had to study for the exams. at 7pm the exam started it made me so nervous cuz i didnt study that much. i did pretty good on the exams:) Korean teacher who teaches 20 students including me is a nice cute guy but he is short lol:) HE IS EVEN SMALLER THAN ME anyways i listened carefully to what he said during class. he taught us about korean poetry and modern novels that are expected to be on our highschool textbooks. it was HARD but i tried my best:) After the class ended it was 10pm and i had to go home. i went home by bus and when i got off the bus my mum was waiting for me in front of the busstop. so we walked home together:) It was nice of her to wait for me at the busstop in the cold:) I luv my mum soooooo much When i got home i was quite hungry so our family had supper. we had instant noodles and juice. it was yummy:) I LUV NOODLES After that i did some more hw and right now im in my bed typing on my smart phone. its nearly 2 and i gotta go to sleep. i am soooo sleepy:( GOODNIGHT CINNY GOOD NIGHT MARIE GOODNIGHT OLIVIA ♥♥♥ Lucy

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