Monday 21 January 2013

dear cinny

hey cinny it has been many days not writing on this blog, im sorry :( i know u'd be expecting me to write diaries everyday, but these days i got lazier and more tired than before cuz im busier than before. my teacher decided to double the homework :( ARGGHHHHH I HATE IT These days im practicing a song called 'all too well' by taylor swift as i play the piano chords. im not that good at singing but i enjoy singing :) especially taylor swift's songs. those songs express my feelings well. i tried looking for chords of 'oath by cher lloyd' but it was too hard for me to sing it. :( i decided to practice 'all to well' and film myself playing it and send it to u maybe........ i shud practice A LOT at first i was going to put the vid on this blog, but since this blog can't upload videos, i may send it to you. today, in the morning it was kinda funny cuz i like oversleeping but my mum hates seeing me oversleep, so she always wakes me up at 8 am. whenever she calls me to wake up, i cover my ears and try to sleep more. but this time, she yelled at me saying, "hey lucy cinny called u and said she is in china!" so i woke up suddenly and ran to the phone, and realized she fooled me to wake me up. UGHHHHH i was happy to hear that at first, but after i realized that she was faking it, i was feeling down :'( i wished it was true anyways sorry for not visiting our blog so often. maybe i shud decorate the site before u come back and surprise u :) lucy

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