Monday 7 January 2013

hey HEY

Hey Hey

Cinny here….

You are probably wondering why I haven’t posted a blog entry for 6th January 2013. “How could you break this rule of not posting an entry for everyday” I am very sorry for not posting on Jan 6th 2013. Before I could type anything onto a word document. My mum kicked me off the computer because I was spending LOTS of time on the Internet. VERY TRUE. Plus my uncle needs a chance to check his email and surf the interweb. I was banned from it for about 6 hours. Ahhhh.. But hopefully I will try my best to enter a blog entry every single day of the week. Which means EVRYDAY.

Yesterday in New Zealand it was 6th Jan 2013. I woke up at 10’o clock in the morning. Ate breakfast at 10:30. I had cornflakes with milk also a hard-boiled egg. Ewww I hate them. But I love scrambled eggs. Soo yummy.

After breakfast, my mum drove my uncle and me to St Lukes because my uncle want to buy some food clips. You know the clips that help clip the opened part of a packet of chips or something like that. So it stays dry. In one of the $2 dollar shops we went to I saw a pair of cool nerdy glasses. I tried them on my face. Mum said it looked good. Plus it was cheap. So I bought it with my own $2. I wore them as soon as I walked out of the shop. I has soooo HAPPY.

Next we went to more $2 dollar shops. We saw the best deal on the food clips. 10 for $3.

Went to the sushi shop outside countdown supermarket. Bought salmon sushi. They looked really nice and fresh. J Me and my uncle ate 3 and mum ate 2. In countdown we bought: cherries, bread, toothpaste, mussels and blueberry muffins. We all ate 2 muffins each. They were very yummy and delicious. Ahhhh.

After eating lunch at St Lukes, we went to bunnings warehouse to refund a tap hangle, because it does not fit and my uncle bought it yesterday. The store is really big. It is a big hardware store. We all looked for the right tap handle. We found it at last. It looks the tap we have at home. YAY!! Mission Accomplished.. then went home.

At home I ate some smoked salmon from CANADA. My uncle brought it to NZ. He also brang a large bottle of MAPLE SYRUP. YAHOOO. The salmon was so delicious.

After eating glorious smoked salmon. I had some chill time to my self. I spent my time going on Photoshop CS3 and removing the background of a picture of Lana Del Rey. It took me about 2-3 hours. It takes a lot of time, because if you don’t take care, you may make a mistake. I will upload a picture when it is finished. Down below this post will be a gallery of Photoshop projects I have done in 2012. I am quite proud of them J

At 4:50pm, in the afternoon. Mum wanted me to climb up Mt Eden with my uncle because it would be a great view up there to take pictures with his camera. Plus it is his first time in Auckland, Nz. While we walked to the Mountain, I saw a really cute cat, so I took some photos of it. I will up put pictures at the end of the post or in a separate post.??? The path we took to get to the base of the mountain was steep. But the route to get up the mountain IS a MILLION times steeper. I sweated a lot while climbing. But it was a good workout for my body. The view was amazing at the top. It was also very windy AHHHHH…………………

Then when we got back to our house. My mum cooked dinner. She cooks very fast. Lightning speed. She made 4 dishes of food in about 30 mins. We had tomatoes, steamed blue codfish, steamed mussels from supermarket, tofu, Chinese, fungi, chicken meat and courgettes. It was very yummy but the fish. I hate steamed fish. So Ewww. But I like eating my mum’s tarakihi AND TREVALLLY batter fried fish. So yummy also  I like salmon.

 After eating dinner I tried to go onto the computer. But I was unsuccessful L . I was forced by mum to get off and do 20 push ups.

I did actually did 37 pushusp . I do them in intervals and breaks. Beacouse I get tired. First I did 17 then 10 then another 10. In total I did 37. YAY.

Before the sun set. The sky was beautiful. It was pink, orange and blue.

I miss you sooo much. I hope you go to sleep earlier. Sleeping is a vital to humans because our body recover over the time period when we sleep. Try not to stay up late. Miss you and Livia Lots. L


I will post a separate post for the photos from Mt Eden, Photoshop projects 2012, and one for 7th Jan 2013 which is the current date in NZ.
I am soooo excited for our conversation at 7pm Nz Time.

See ya then. J


PS: I wrote this all on refil before i typed it up. it took ages but at least i am able to post an entry.


  1. heey
    it's okay cinny:) i totally understand. you can visit the blog whenever u have time. It doesn't have to be everyday :)

    plz say hello to your uncle for me:)


  2. oh and i miss eating salmon sushi in nz:,( they were delicious. in korea, salmons taste kind of bad. nz ones r way better. ahhh memories
