Thursday 31 January 2013

omg cinny :)

i am so glad that ur back:) i am so sorry i couldn't visit this blog frequently. but for this week, i am free so i may be able to visit the blog everyday:)
i wish i could see the photos from china. i saw the photos that u uploaded below and i was like ' omg these photos make me feel like i was the one travelling.' lol i love going to the airport. it is always full of new air and it allows me to travel anywhere around the world. also i like boarding on airplanes except the food that they serve on airplanes. so i don't even touch the airplane food. it makes me vomit. one time i was really hungry and i ate the bread that the airplane hostress gave me and on that day i was queasy and sick all day.
anyways i need to go now sorry:'( oh and don't forget that we chat every monday

im looking forward to see other photos from china :)


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