Tuesday 22 January 2013

dear diary

hey cinny:) after 4 days ur coming back hurray ! u may be mad at me for not writing much on this blog ........IM SO SORRY I was too busy:( well today, i went to academies again like always and learned highschool maths and english. it was hard so i ruined the daily test. my mum was a little disappointed but she got over with it:) at lunch i ate ramen noodles with a slice of cheese on top. it was delicious and savory. i love noodles:) then i studied more in the academy and came back and here i am, sitting in front of the laptop writing on the blog. oh, and i started watching 'GREY'S ANATOMY'. do u know this drama? it's from US and i quite liked it, except that it had a lot of adult thing. but it was catchy and interesting. i suggest u to watch it. i liked the fact that one of the actresses in grey's anatomy was korean. she was called cristina. i gotta go. cya:) lucy

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