Monday 14 January 2013

dear cinny

heey cinny im SOOOOOOO SORRY i didn't visit this blog for days. i had to take some rest because of illness and i had loads of homework since i was in bed for 2 days. i had to finish my work off first.
i feel kinda lonely all by myself writing on the blog, but i will do my best and visit this site as frequently as possible.
i am looking forward to see ur pics in china. i heard hong kong and korea have three hour gap. right now, it's 3:30 ish in korea and 12:30 ish in hong kong.

last week, on saturday, it was movie night. i finished most of my homework until 11:30pm and watched a movie called 'intouchables' with peter. it is such a nice and touching movie. I recommend u to watch it. i laughed so hard nd almost cried at the end. its about friendship between a rich, disabled, old man and a guy who lives poor. here's the trailer :Intouchables Trailer

today i studied in the academy. period. i am starting to think my life is so monotonous. i want my life to be adventurous like Peter Pan or Robin Hood. i am bored of things happening over and over everyday. i want change. thats how i feel right now. my mum says i cant experience changes or adventures during my student years because i have to study. i know she is right but  i want something different in my daily life.

i gotta go. thinking about u on ur vacation, maybe i shud post my photos when i was travelling in europe last year.  last year our family visited england, france, switzerland, and italy. i liked italy the most because all those buildings in italy looked sooooooo classic.



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