Thursday 31 January 2013

Day One: on the bus in HK '9th Jan 2013'

Day One: At Hk Airport '9th Jan 2013'

Day One: On the plane '9th Jan 2013'

omg cinny :)

i am so glad that ur back:) i am so sorry i couldn't visit this blog frequently. but for this week, i am free so i may be able to visit the blog everyday:)
i wish i could see the photos from china. i saw the photos that u uploaded below and i was like ' omg these photos make me feel like i was the one travelling.' lol i love going to the airport. it is always full of new air and it allows me to travel anywhere around the world. also i like boarding on airplanes except the food that they serve on airplanes. so i don't even touch the airplane food. it makes me vomit. one time i was really hungry and i ate the bread that the airplane hostress gave me and on that day i was queasy and sick all day.
anyways i need to go now sorry:'( oh and don't forget that we chat every monday

im looking forward to see other photos from china :)


Tuesday 29 January 2013


Dear Lucy                                                 29th Jan 2013

Its me: Cinny

It has been about 21 days, without seeing this blog. It seems like FOREVER. I forgive you for not posting as much entries. I understand that you have to prepare for highschool. I wish you all the best and good luck. When I was entering highschool, I felt soooooo nervous: New school, friends, homework and of course new teachers. But when I started for a few weeks. I felt a bit more confident because I now know how everything runs and the rules aswell. Once you get use to that things get a lot better. TRUST ME. K??

I am very sorry for not posting an entry once I touched down in NZ and was near a internet device. Also for the last few days as well. Well on the 26th Jan, I got back frm China. What an AMAZING TRIP. Firstly I rested because on the plane I ONLY slept for 3 hours. How sleep deprived am I ?? I am so CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!! I also busy unpacking the load of stuff that I bought. Luggage bags are HEAVY.  That night I slept til 1pm in the afternoon. I seriously had a great sleep but I wanted more. I decided to wake up and FINISH unpacking my stuff in the luggage cases.

The reason why I slept for 3 hours is that I was too busy watching a movie til midnight also the airhostess woke me up by tapping my shoulder and saying “What do you want for breakfast?”

Its great seeing you post photos of you standing behind famous landmarks like the Eiffel tower in France and others as well. OMG you are going to write a book. Good on you. I wish I had the courage and time to write one. The plot seems interesting. I like fiction fantasy stories. Hopefully one day it will be published and it can be shared and read by teens and pre teens.

I love reading books. We should make a reading recommendation page and comment to each other like on Music Shares J

Yay you have customised the blog. You added Music Shares. Its soo cool. I will try and listen to them when I get some time.

Yesterday was the 28th I went to Newmarket with a friend. It was fun. We ate sushi and my friend bought some spicy chicken. I tried some of it and said to me my faced turned real CHILLI PEPPER red. I think my face was that colour when you asked me to try some Kimchi at your house in NZ. We also bought some milk tea. It was so yummy. It also had brown chewy jelly, yummy J we also bought our school stationary. When I go out with my friends, I really miss hanging out nd talking to you in person.

Today I went to the dentist and he took my 3 wisdom teeth out. It kinda hurts, but I know that at night and morning it will hurt a lot more since the painkiller will wear off. My face looks really swollen. I look real weird because I have this ice pack which is attatched to my head. I wear it like a head band. After going to the dentist I went home and rested and watched my one of my favourite American Shows called The Lying Game, it is such a good show because the plot twists and turns so many times. Then my mum drove me to the orthidontist because I had an appointment. The lady doing my teeth she said I was crazy coming here. They checked my braces and teeth. Mum dropped me at school , so I can change my subject options because it was wrong. The mum told me to walk home. OMG it was Sooo hot and the sun was shining on my fried skin. AHHH but the weather is so nice that I can go to the beach. Oh no. I haven’t ticked my box off for this summer which is :  go to the beach. But I have ticked the box off for eating delicious ice cream.

This is such a LOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNGGGGG Entry I am sorry, You might be kinda bored. In the few hours or days I will be busy typing and posting pictures I took in China . I will be sharing my Amazing trip to you. LUCY. Unfortunately : Marie could not come with me because I may loose her. L

I miss you lots: ‘Lucy’. Very much L also Olivia aswell.

Sunday 27 January 2013

hey cinny

i guess ur back in nz and taking a long rest from a long trip. well since u came back, i will try my best to visit the site everyday and post or comment.:) i have 2 things to tell u first, on 7th in february, it's graduation day:) so on that day i graduate middle school and get the diploma. the worst part of graduation is that on the huge screen, every student's pictures get on the HUGE SCREEN which is quite embarrassing. second, i am writing a fantasy novel. I think it is very fun. It s about these fantasy kingdoms. let me tell u specifically what it is about. Adela is an 17 year old girl who is about to become an adult. she is a princess of a kingdom called Anastelon. in order to take the throne, she needs to do the quest, which is a tradition in Anastelon. it is a tradition to finish the quest before a princess or a prince becomes the queen or a king of anastelon. so she goes on a quest with her friends called Lowell and Catherine, and a prince of Elsmiere called Charles jr. she goes through five different countries and experience love, friendship fights and conflicts. but as she experience all these, inside of her gets stronger. at the end she takes the throne and becomes the queen of Anastelon. i cant give u spoilers cuz i will send u the actual printed novel after i give this to publishing company and make this into a REAL BOOK. isn't this cool? right now i wrote up to about 200 pges and i am expecting my novel to be about 300 pages. i will send u the copy when i get it printed.:) i hope u take some rests and when u get better, i wish u cud visit the site and comment:) oh nd i wish u cud upload the pics from china lucy

Tuesday 22 January 2013

dear diary

hey cinny:) after 4 days ur coming back hurray ! u may be mad at me for not writing much on this blog ........IM SO SORRY I was too busy:( well today, i went to academies again like always and learned highschool maths and english. it was hard so i ruined the daily test. my mum was a little disappointed but she got over with it:) at lunch i ate ramen noodles with a slice of cheese on top. it was delicious and savory. i love noodles:) then i studied more in the academy and came back and here i am, sitting in front of the laptop writing on the blog. oh, and i started watching 'GREY'S ANATOMY'. do u know this drama? it's from US and i quite liked it, except that it had a lot of adult thing. but it was catchy and interesting. i suggest u to watch it. i liked the fact that one of the actresses in grey's anatomy was korean. she was called cristina. i gotta go. cya:) lucy

Monday 21 January 2013

dear cinny

hey cinny it has been many days not writing on this blog, im sorry :( i know u'd be expecting me to write diaries everyday, but these days i got lazier and more tired than before cuz im busier than before. my teacher decided to double the homework :( ARGGHHHHH I HATE IT These days im practicing a song called 'all too well' by taylor swift as i play the piano chords. im not that good at singing but i enjoy singing :) especially taylor swift's songs. those songs express my feelings well. i tried looking for chords of 'oath by cher lloyd' but it was too hard for me to sing it. :( i decided to practice 'all to well' and film myself playing it and send it to u maybe........ i shud practice A LOT at first i was going to put the vid on this blog, but since this blog can't upload videos, i may send it to you. today, in the morning it was kinda funny cuz i like oversleeping but my mum hates seeing me oversleep, so she always wakes me up at 8 am. whenever she calls me to wake up, i cover my ears and try to sleep more. but this time, she yelled at me saying, "hey lucy cinny called u and said she is in china!" so i woke up suddenly and ran to the phone, and realized she fooled me to wake me up. UGHHHHH i was happy to hear that at first, but after i realized that she was faking it, i was feeling down :'( i wished it was true anyways sorry for not visiting our blog so often. maybe i shud decorate the site before u come back and surprise u :) lucy

Monday 14 January 2013

PHOTOS of Lucy :)

dear cinny

heey cinny im SOOOOOOO SORRY i didn't visit this blog for days. i had to take some rest because of illness and i had loads of homework since i was in bed for 2 days. i had to finish my work off first.
i feel kinda lonely all by myself writing on the blog, but i will do my best and visit this site as frequently as possible.
i am looking forward to see ur pics in china. i heard hong kong and korea have three hour gap. right now, it's 3:30 ish in korea and 12:30 ish in hong kong.

last week, on saturday, it was movie night. i finished most of my homework until 11:30pm and watched a movie called 'intouchables' with peter. it is such a nice and touching movie. I recommend u to watch it. i laughed so hard nd almost cried at the end. its about friendship between a rich, disabled, old man and a guy who lives poor. here's the trailer :Intouchables Trailer

today i studied in the academy. period. i am starting to think my life is so monotonous. i want my life to be adventurous like Peter Pan or Robin Hood. i am bored of things happening over and over everyday. i want change. thats how i feel right now. my mum says i cant experience changes or adventures during my student years because i have to study. i know she is right but  i want something different in my daily life.

i gotta go. thinking about u on ur vacation, maybe i shud post my photos when i was travelling in europe last year.  last year our family visited england, france, switzerland, and italy. i liked italy the most because all those buildings in italy looked sooooooo classic.



Wednesday 9 January 2013

heey cinny :'(

HI CINNY omg it's 4:45 am in nz and it's 12:45am in korea. i bet u wud be preparing to go to hong kong, or u wud have already left ur house:'( i really am going to miss u soooooo much. it feels weird to me cuz we would be staying close if ur at hong kong and im in korea. hong kong is close to korea, but we can't stay together :'( how sad is that
but anyways, i hope u have a safe and fun trip with ur family including ur uncle. i haven't met him, but i am sure he is nice just like u :) i hope to meet him one day
i am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO x 1000000 jealous right now. i want to visit china so bad. i asked my dad once, but he said to me that we spent too much money on traveling Europe last year. Europe was fun, but i want to visit asian countries like china, turkey, indonesia etc .
i love the photos that u uploaded. u look so pretty in the picture :) i like ur glasses. they look good on u.
anyways, i know u wud see this post after u get back. i am sorry my post was late. when i finished all my homework it was almost 1 am and i was TOO TIRED . AHHH i need rests and sleep, but these days, i only sleep about 5 hours. it's making me crazy

i gotta go to bed. see ya
i luv u sooooooo much cinny. ur such a special friend


Tuesday 8 January 2013

Newest Photoshop Project : FINISHED

A few days ago I started removing the background of the original picture. Then I got a floral background picture and repeated in the clear background. I started this project on 6th Jan 2013 and finished this on 8th Jan 2013.

I hope you like this.



Goodbye Lucy :(

Dear Lucy               8th Jan 2013

Today is the probably the last day I will post for a very long time. 20 days to be exact. Right now my family is busy doing last minute things and getting ready. So am i. Tomorrow I have to get up at 4 am in the morning to go to the airport. I will arrive in Hong Kong airport at about 3 pm in the after noon.
The flight is about 12 hours.

Sadly. I will not be taking Marie because I may loose her L so she is staying in NZ. She said to me that her heart misses Olivia LOTS. Also said that she misses Lucy as well.

I will miss you: Lucy very much. Also your interesting blog entries. I wish you all the best for your homework at your academy. You can do it because in the last post you said that your brain is absorbing so much stuff. Good work.

I am very sorry this post is short.

I promise that when I come back I will post a lot more stuff about the trip and upload pictures as well.

Goodbye Lucy.

I will miss you L

Monday 7 January 2013

Dear Diary

Hey Lucy                             

7th Jan 2013

Currently it is 5.30 pm in the afternoon. I am so excited to talk to you in like about 2 hours time. I can’t wait.

Guess what ??? in 2 days time I will be traveling to China for a 20 day trip. I am Soooo excited. Also my uncle from Canada will also be going with us as well.

Finally I am going somewhere in the holidays. YAY x 1 million. I SERIIOUSLY can’t wait but on the morning I have to leave , I have to get up at 4:30am in the morning. Ahhh so early.

Today is the 7th Jan in Nz. It is SOOOOO Windy in Auckland. Right now I am wearing the cool neardy fake glasses I got yesterday. They look so cool. I am sooo happy.

This morning I woke up at 9.30am . Ate breakfast at 9.45. I ate cornflakes with milk and jam on toast . yummy. No hard boiled egg yay!!!!!!!!
For lunch I ate one large red potato and a small corn on the cob. The corn was sweet and yummy. For afternoon tea I had a slice of wholegrain toast , a biscuit and some sweet cherries.

Due to me going to China in 2 days. I may not post as much enteries because I do not have any internet connection devices like my cell phone. But I will instead post my content about my trip to china when I come back to New Zealand.

Tomorrow will be my last blog entry.

I will miss you when I am in China. We maybe a bit more closer but we cannot meet. Maybe hopefully in the near future.

Do not worry Lucy. We will travel the whole world and experience our adventures together J


-       Cinny Your

-       dearest Best friend


Photoshop Projects from the PAST = 2012

olivia and lucyyy


Trip to Mt Eden


I went Mt Eden on 6th jan 2013. I took some pictures and here they are,

hey HEY

Hey Hey

Cinny here….

You are probably wondering why I haven’t posted a blog entry for 6th January 2013. “How could you break this rule of not posting an entry for everyday” I am very sorry for not posting on Jan 6th 2013. Before I could type anything onto a word document. My mum kicked me off the computer because I was spending LOTS of time on the Internet. VERY TRUE. Plus my uncle needs a chance to check his email and surf the interweb. I was banned from it for about 6 hours. Ahhhh.. But hopefully I will try my best to enter a blog entry every single day of the week. Which means EVRYDAY.

Yesterday in New Zealand it was 6th Jan 2013. I woke up at 10’o clock in the morning. Ate breakfast at 10:30. I had cornflakes with milk also a hard-boiled egg. Ewww I hate them. But I love scrambled eggs. Soo yummy.

After breakfast, my mum drove my uncle and me to St Lukes because my uncle want to buy some food clips. You know the clips that help clip the opened part of a packet of chips or something like that. So it stays dry. In one of the $2 dollar shops we went to I saw a pair of cool nerdy glasses. I tried them on my face. Mum said it looked good. Plus it was cheap. So I bought it with my own $2. I wore them as soon as I walked out of the shop. I has soooo HAPPY.

Next we went to more $2 dollar shops. We saw the best deal on the food clips. 10 for $3.

Went to the sushi shop outside countdown supermarket. Bought salmon sushi. They looked really nice and fresh. J Me and my uncle ate 3 and mum ate 2. In countdown we bought: cherries, bread, toothpaste, mussels and blueberry muffins. We all ate 2 muffins each. They were very yummy and delicious. Ahhhh.

After eating lunch at St Lukes, we went to bunnings warehouse to refund a tap hangle, because it does not fit and my uncle bought it yesterday. The store is really big. It is a big hardware store. We all looked for the right tap handle. We found it at last. It looks the tap we have at home. YAY!! Mission Accomplished.. then went home.

At home I ate some smoked salmon from CANADA. My uncle brought it to NZ. He also brang a large bottle of MAPLE SYRUP. YAHOOO. The salmon was so delicious.

After eating glorious smoked salmon. I had some chill time to my self. I spent my time going on Photoshop CS3 and removing the background of a picture of Lana Del Rey. It took me about 2-3 hours. It takes a lot of time, because if you don’t take care, you may make a mistake. I will upload a picture when it is finished. Down below this post will be a gallery of Photoshop projects I have done in 2012. I am quite proud of them J

At 4:50pm, in the afternoon. Mum wanted me to climb up Mt Eden with my uncle because it would be a great view up there to take pictures with his camera. Plus it is his first time in Auckland, Nz. While we walked to the Mountain, I saw a really cute cat, so I took some photos of it. I will up put pictures at the end of the post or in a separate post.??? The path we took to get to the base of the mountain was steep. But the route to get up the mountain IS a MILLION times steeper. I sweated a lot while climbing. But it was a good workout for my body. The view was amazing at the top. It was also very windy AHHHHH…………………

Then when we got back to our house. My mum cooked dinner. She cooks very fast. Lightning speed. She made 4 dishes of food in about 30 mins. We had tomatoes, steamed blue codfish, steamed mussels from supermarket, tofu, Chinese, fungi, chicken meat and courgettes. It was very yummy but the fish. I hate steamed fish. So Ewww. But I like eating my mum’s tarakihi AND TREVALLLY batter fried fish. So yummy also  I like salmon.

 After eating dinner I tried to go onto the computer. But I was unsuccessful L . I was forced by mum to get off and do 20 push ups.

I did actually did 37 pushusp . I do them in intervals and breaks. Beacouse I get tired. First I did 17 then 10 then another 10. In total I did 37. YAY.

Before the sun set. The sky was beautiful. It was pink, orange and blue.

I miss you sooo much. I hope you go to sleep earlier. Sleeping is a vital to humans because our body recover over the time period when we sleep. Try not to stay up late. Miss you and Livia Lots. L


I will post a separate post for the photos from Mt Eden, Photoshop projects 2012, and one for 7th Jan 2013 which is the current date in NZ.
I am soooo excited for our conversation at 7pm Nz Time.

See ya then. J


PS: I wrote this all on refil before i typed it up. it took ages but at least i am able to post an entry.

Today's diary-LUCY

Hi cinny For today i woke up at 9 and did homework. i know....its quite boring:( But u know what? these days i enjoy doing homework because it feels like i ve improved a lot from doing it, for example when i do my english, math, and korean homework, i can feel my brain sucking up all the stuff that i learned from the academy:) I guess its a good thing to feel that way. i feel so proud of myself:) anyways i did my homework until 6pm. i guess that made me endeavour and bear the pain of homework. at 6:30pm i had to leave for the korean academy. my dad brought me there. the class starts at 7pm and i had to study for the exams. at 7pm the exam started it made me so nervous cuz i didnt study that much. i did pretty good on the exams:) Korean teacher who teaches 20 students including me is a nice cute guy but he is short lol:) HE IS EVEN SMALLER THAN ME anyways i listened carefully to what he said during class. he taught us about korean poetry and modern novels that are expected to be on our highschool textbooks. it was HARD but i tried my best:) After the class ended it was 10pm and i had to go home. i went home by bus and when i got off the bus my mum was waiting for me in front of the busstop. so we walked home together:) It was nice of her to wait for me at the busstop in the cold:) I luv my mum soooooo much When i got home i was quite hungry so our family had supper. we had instant noodles and juice. it was yummy:) I LUV NOODLES After that i did some more hw and right now im in my bed typing on my smart phone. its nearly 2 and i gotta go to sleep. i am soooo sleepy:( GOODNIGHT CINNY GOOD NIGHT MARIE GOODNIGHT OLIVIA ♥♥♥ Lucy

Sunday 6 January 2013

Today's Diary-Lucy

It is right now 8:35pm in korea and I am sitting in front my laptop. Today, I woke up at 9 am and took a shower. I always take a shower everyday so I can keep myself fresh :) and I ate my breakfast as normal. For breakfast, I ate fish and rice. I overslept so I had to eat by myself. After I had breakfast, I brushed my teeth and did my math homework which is due wednesday. I have loads of homework and I don't have much time to take a rest :'( but when I take some rests I always check if there's any new emails or new posts on this blog. After I did some homework, I checked if there's any emails, and I saw your email arrived:) YAY that makes me happy. I read your email and also checked the blog. YEESS! u uploaded a post! I read it and smiled,  giggled on my own. I wondered what u wud be doing then. For lunch I had sushi:)
I left my house at about 1:30pm and headed to academy. My mum took me ther by her car. It is so cold in here, freezing cold. I miss nz weather.  i remember in nz it rains in winter and it is sunny in summer. I think nz weather is much better than korean weather.
after the class ended it was 4:30pm. I got out and took the bus to go home. when I arrived home, our family all went to church and prayed :)  i had a good time at church. it feels warm in there. After that it was dinner time. peter and his dad went to see a movie called 'le miserable'. my mum and me went to a restaurant with my grandparents. we ate some korean pork. it wasn't that good. i didn't like it that much :'( after that and i arrived home, and im writing this diary. i am right now about to finish my homework and go to bed. Good night cinny :)


Saturday 5 January 2013

Hello Lucy

Hello Lucy

Cinny here J it is 5th Janurary 2013. It has been so long since I have seen you in person. Everyday I think of you and your lovely green bear Olivia. I haven’t seen you in like 3 and a half years. We really have to meet. Today I have been going on tumblr, youtube, pintrest. I have been feeling like I am waisting soooo much time on crushing SERIOUSLY HOT BRITISH GUY YOUTUBERZ. Like the Harries Twins, Alfie Deyes, Marcus Butler, Niallyg, MrBradCorey, Drewisharing, AmazingPhil, Danisnotonfire….. the list literally goes on and on. Maybe one day I will share with glourious list of british youtuberS????? I forgot to mention there are other hot youtubers like jccaylen, connor franta………. Its always youtube these days. The youtubers I am subscribed to , make me inspired to make youtube videos. I am scared, but I am going to try and make youtube videos. I have always wanted to do this but I feel like if I give up now, I may regret it later because in life you feel like you can do it but if there is an obstacle, we humans want to give up and be terrified forever. For example its like conquering a fear or phobia of something. At first you want to scream and run because you don’t want to face it ever in your life. But eventually you will relies it as scary because you have achieved something and it isn’t as scary now. Also my uncle from Vancouver, Canada is staying with my family and its my first time meeting him. He is quite cool actually. J

I miss you lots. Remember: believe in yourself because you feel much stronger with belief and confidence.


Love you and Livia lots.


Friday 4 January 2013

Heeey Cinny :)

It is so nice of you to create a blog for just four of us, Marie, Olivia, you and me :) This blog looks so AWESOME!!! I hope we share lots of stuff like photos and our diaries on this blog. It is my first time using a blog on google, but after some time, I may get use to it.
Anyways This is a first comment that I uploaded. Maybe I should delete this............I dunno :s
I will try to visit this site everyday and write diaries for you. Oh i forgot to tell u that the time gap between nz and korea is 3 hours, so if nz is 4pm, korea is 1pm.

thanks for creating a blog. I will write diaries everyday on this blog. Maybe we can create a rule on this blog. for example like, writing diaries everyday, leaving comments and photos and etc :)

This is going to be SOOOO FUN!
I will see u on monday 7pm in nz time
