Tuesday 18 June 2013


Hello Lucy.

Cinny here...

I am currently typing this posts on a laptop at school. I am such a bad student. Ahhhhhhh... Highly doubt that.

It is finally winter in New Zealand. Currently the cold weather isn't that cold. It is slightly cold in the morning.

But in on last Sunday, The weather was SOON terrible. It was raining like MAD.... trees breaking, trees swaying, and it was Sooo hard to listen to music or watch a movie or something since the rain was hitting so hard. Every half an hour I had to adjust my volume on the computer since it was raining soooo hard. At one point I had to adjust the volume to its highest. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT. It was that bad. I probably went Deaf. Not the greatest day. Luckily i Stayed in my house all safe. YAY.

But the good thing is that the madness of rain stopped at 4 pm in the afternoon. The sun came out, and the rainbow appeared. All was good.

I am currently listening to LOVE ME AGAIN by John Newman
I have to say this is SUCH a good song. When I first heard it I was hooked.

I suggests whoever reads this post... search it up on YouTube.
I guarantee that it is a good song..

The song makes me happy. :)

Ahh my next class is  soon. SHould get a move on. There are sooo many spelling mistakes.

When I do my next post I will , write a piece i wrote.


Friday 14 June 2013



It has been a VERY LONG time since I have been on this blog. I am so sorry. I guess that you, Lucy have been getting ready for highschool, or maybe in highschool. Yes, getting started into  highschool is scary. I believe you will make friends and get good grades. I feel like I have repeated my self, by typing a phrase or sentence similar like this. I just want to point to you, friends and studies are important. But mainly studies.

How have I been lately, ummm. I guess you can say good. Second to last year of highschool is tough. NCEA level 2. It is much harder and expect more. Ahhhhh. I will try my best and get those credits. I also have been doing numerous tests. I don’t even know how many tests I have done in the past few months, probibally 15.But I highly doubt that, it feels like I have done 15 , because I have been preparing for so many tests after test and assignments, non stop. I guess there are a few breaks. Also much more information are being given and information to learn.

The interesting this is that we have our birthday close together. It sooo cool. Yours is in April and mine is in May. Twins, hahahaha….

I am so sorry that I haven’t been posting as much enteries but I will try my hardest, but as you can see you and I, are busy with highschool. Maybe we could post more on this blog when we are on holiday???

I wish June, it will be a good month. May was a good month.

Miss you lots, good luck for your exams. 

- Cinny 
Your dearest best friend

Thursday 9 May 2013

Hello Hello

Hello Hello

Oh my god…. It has been QUITE A LONG TIME since I have been posting a post on this blog. I have broken the promise. Ahhhhhh

I have been caught up with juggling school work, studying and sports.

Oh yeah. Did I tell you that I have been involved with cycling, with the school team. Currently I am loaning a bike from the school. Road cycling is very different because you are actually riding a bike fast on the road, and speed is cruitial. It is very intense as I tell you…. We have trainings 2 times a weeek and have to wave up at 5 am in THE MORNING and go traing AHHH…. Well I am kind of scared because I need to really manage my time EXTREMELY Well because the night before I have to go to bed early to get enough sleep and get ready everything for the next day. My bike is yellow and I really like it. But the bad thing is that it is quite heavy L


Ii am so sorry that I did not post an entry on your birthday, I was very busy, I am pretty sure that you were too. The most important day of the year YOUR BIRTHDAY!!!!!! I am such a bad friend for not posting anything. And it has been nearly a month.

Currently it is getting colder in New Zealand, as we are heading into WINTER. AHHHH. Chilly morning, clouds of breath, warm heaters, rainy days, frosty grass, cold hands, chill down your spine, long boots, warm ugg boots or slippers, hot chocolates, warm tea, gloves , scarfs, making warm cheese toasties, grogy mornings, Oh WINTER. Sometimes I really do enjoy the cold season. You get to stay nice and cosy in the weekends. But I hate waking up to school and feeling cold since the warmness of the bed has GONE… Also the days are shorter and nights are longer. Gets dark early.

This is a LONG Post Ahh

Another thing to look forward in May is that its my birthday soon and I am turning older. I am sooo scared. 16 years I have been alive. That is a very long time. Ahhh….

Ii wish you all the best for highschool and school work. I know that you will work hard and achieve a lot. But make sure you have fun and make friends and live in the moment.


Your dearest best friend

Marie also miss you and Olivia LOTS. She cries a lot and has nighmares. But every sec thinks of You and Livia.

- Cinny

Note: all Pictures uploaded are from tumblr. All rights go to the creaters

Thursday 28 March 2013

Goodbye 2012. HELLO 2013


Hello 2013…… Goodbye 2012

This post was supposed to be posted in Janurary but I haven’t gotten around to write this, it was on my list to dos but it is on my priority currently. But it is better then never.

This post / entry will be me, Cinny . reflecting about 2012, highlights and my goals for this year.

2012 has been a ROLLERCOASTER rider for me, but I don’t know about you but it has been one scary ride.

In the beginng of 2012 I was a year 11. I was QUITE terrified about doing NCEA Level One internals and externals.

My goals were

-       pass all my exams
-       pass level one ncea
-       get good grades
-       be more organized
-       study
-       do homework
-       use my diary more often

A few weeks after I entered school, I was getting the hang of internals and how they work. I felt abit more relaxed because it wasn’t that complicated.

In the next few terms I did more internals. I got more confident beucase I know what

Then I reached to the time where my school had MOCK exams for seniors like me. I was soooo terrified because I thought they were going to be soo hard and I might not even pass the end of year ones.

I studied really hard. In the end studying was good because it made me more prepared for exams and getting the credits.

Finally I finished all my exams and had a really big holidays. I was so happy that I survived a whole year.

Late Janurary I received my results. I passed 99 percent of my exams except for one. L I was quite happy. I also passed NCEA LEVEL ONE . I was really happy. I also got a merit course endorsement

My highlights of 2012

-       Athletics day
-       Volunteering for Stardome
-       Going to Rotorua.
-       Going to Prize giving and hearing the head girl’s speeaches
-       Seeing the Year 13 assesmbly (leavers assembly)
-       Listening to the headgirl’s and principal’s speech at prize giving
-       My friends 16th Birthday party
-       Last day of school
-       My primary school fair
-       Lantern festival
-       First time receiving 2 merits and one excellence in one day
-       Getting a merit course endorsement in Food Tech
-       Getting a merit for my speech in English

Mostly 2012 was a great year but at times I felt kind of scared because I didn’t know what I wanted to do after high school, which lead me to failing a chemistry test. I felt kind of down. But as time went on I got happier because I relised that I can do many things in my life and my mind is changing constantly I can’t really pin point what I am going to study in the future in university or what I going to do eg Gap year.

The future is unknown, so make the most of now.

My goals these years are

Get a Merit Endorsement in NCEA level 2
Get involved with cultural and clubs and sports around the school.
Get more organised.
Get a holiday job
Volunteer more

I wish this year I want to achieve a lot of things.

In order for me to achieve I must believe in myself, be confident, take risks, ask for help if I am stuck and be positive…..


Sunday 24 February 2013

Hi cinny:)

Hey im back...im sooooo busy these days right now its midnight here and im in my bed with my cell phone. my eyes feel like they r gonna fall.....ugh Today i spent most of my time at academies. i had math class n korean class. korean teacher is fun and math is BORING!!!!! ugh im sick of studying maths. Next monday before start of a new semester first graders go on a camp together to make friends and get to know about highschool. this camp, in korea, its called orientation. so on next monday i cant chat with u sorry:( I go to camp on monday(25th) AND come back on the next day. i REALLY NEED TO MAKE FRIENDS DURING CAMP....im kinda worried cuz im kinda shy and bad at making friends....i wish u cud go to camp with MEEE :'( i just am so worried about camp cuz all those girls looked scary to me when we all gathered for the entrance exams. they wore make ups, had perms on their hair and etc etc.... i got to make a truly good minded and friendly friend like u...gotta keep my eyes wide open Plz wish me luck....im worried A LOT oh by the way i did quite good on the entrance exams... i think i got 100 percent right on english. i did pretty good eh??:) I MISSU SO MUch U R THE BEST BEST BEST!!! i will see u on wednesday since ill b at camp for 2 days.. wish me luck Lucy

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Goodluck :)

Hey Lucy

Cinny here. I am sorry that I didn’t chat to you on MSN yesterday. When are you free??

I just saw your post.

I wish you all the best for the high school entrance exam. Yes in the exams there will be smart students, just try all YOUR MIGHTY hardest. I know that in your head you have a lot of knowledge up there.

Look back at your past achievements. Look at them, when you are sitting at the desk doing the test, have the feeling that you will achieve it because making the effort is better than giving up since regrets are the worst. Regrets are like past sad decisions. Another thing is that , try and think about the poem you wrote, BEIEVE IN YOURSELF.

Today is 19th Feburary. The month is nearly over. SERIOUSLY. It is going so fast. In like 1 week or so I am doing my first test. WOW….

Also today I had Athletics day at school. We all get dressed up in mufti clothes and do sports. (you can actually choose to do the sports)…. I just sit down and chat to my friends. We had so much fun today, just chilling…. I also met my friend’s sister, she is soooo nice and at lunch time we had a dance party on the field for the whole lunchtime. They play cool and hottest songs. (hottest songs currently eg: beauty and the beat) The bad thing about the dance party is that there are so many people around you and the music is really loud.Ahhh my ears.
If you cancel out the bad factors about the dance party on field, you will have a great time, I had a great time jumping up and down to the loud music because everyone is happy and you get infected. The feeling when you are jumping/moving to the music, is amazing, since you like the music the speakers are playing and you don’t want that moment to end because you are sooo happy.

The songs they played were:
C’mon- Kesha
Beauty and the Beat – Justin Bieber ft Niki Manaj
Scream and shout – Will iam ft Britney Spears
Single Ladies- Beyonce
Harlem Shake
Gangnam style- PSY
Party Rock Anthem- LMAFO
Starships- Niki Minaj
Boom Boom- Justice Crew
How to Dougie
Applebottom jeans
Kiss you – One Direction
Time of our lives
Club can handle right – Flo rida ft David Guetta
Party in USA- Miley Cyrus
Don’t worry child- Swedish House Mafia
Call me maybe - Carly rae Jepsen
Feel so close- Calvin Harris

I wish you were here: lucy. It would be soooooooo much fun, because the dance party is so fun, also we could talk for hours and you could meet my nice friends. That would be amazing.

Another thing to add is that when the dance party is about to start, everyone starts running towards the field. THEY RUN SO fast. I tried running fast but I accidentally slipped on the grass and got a burn on my knee. Next time I should run a bit more slowly and more carefully.

I wish u all the best in the world for your test. I know you are brainy. You have got so much in there I know that.

You are my best friend in the world. I BELIEVE IN YOU. Have belief in urself. Miss you lots, Marie wishes you good luck. Marie also Misses Olivia soooo much, she cries so much.

- Cinny

Monday 18 February 2013

hey cinny

i know im sorry i didn't visit this blog for last week :"(
i had to prepare for the BIG exams for tomorrow, which is a highschool-entering exam. before we start going to highschool we have to have exams to figure out students' exact levels of studying. so i was so busy studying for the exams which is tomorrow. im sooooo nervous about it. wish me luck

even if i didn't have much time for the past days i kept visiting our blog and read ALL of your posts. but i didnt have time to post mine....and i felt guilty of it, so here i am...writing a post

i wish u were online on msn :( i wanted to chat with u today but maybe i was too late and u didnt see my post that i uploaded when i was at my aunt's house. i feel bad

i am so nervous about tomorrow's exams cuz there's going to be a lot of smart students in our school. There r rumors that they r too smart that no one wud overcome them :( im kinda worried cuz to go to prestigious university i have to get good grades and study as hard as i can.

im so sorry for being late on our today's chat......i won't be late next week
oh and by the way on the first day of march our school starts so i can't chat at 7pm cuz that's 3pm in korea and our school ends at about 5pm. so we should rearrange our chatting time.


ps did u read my poem?? i wrote it by myself and its about me overcoming obstacles(studying, stress, exams, etc...) and getting over with them with my belief .

i am sorry

I am right now at my aunt's house so i might be late for today's chatting Im currently using my aunt's computer. i ll be back in an hour Im So sorry

Sunday 17 February 2013


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Saturday 16 February 2013



In English yesterday, we learnt about heroes. I learnt that ordinary people like paramedics, ambulance officers, police and fire fighters are actually heroes underneath. An example of a hero that we looked at in class was a article written by a ambulance officer which experienced the devastating Christchurch, New Zealand which happened on September 4th 2010.The officer was a hero because, when the earthquake hit, he was at home but he decided to go to work because Christchurch needed medical help. On that day he saw many people who died and even argued with a surgeon to try and save a 20 year old’s life. Unfortunately she died.

Heroes are people who help people, put the person first before himself or herself, supportive, calm, motivated, determined, courageous/ brave, and strong.

Ordinary people can be heroes. They can be heroes by volunteering to help out the poor people in less unfortunate countries like East Timor, or Africa. That experience of going there is amazing because you get to see the world through a different pair of eyes and perspective because people live in different countries which have different way of living life.

I like English this year because you get to learn about mature topics which makes you think more about what it really means and it gives you another way to think about it. Another reason why I like English is that the teacher doesn’t tell us what to do, instead the teacher gets us to discuss and tell each other opinions which makes everyone think a little harder and gives us another way to think about the person’s opinion.

We are all heroes inside us, we don’t need to rip out a flash suit like bat man’s. It is inside all of us but mostly we don’t see it. But others will.

- Cinny

a strong man stands up for himself.
a stronger man stands up for others

A hero is not someone who is unafraid; a hero is someone who knows fear but does the right thing anyway.


Hello Hello again

Hey Lucy...

Cinny here..

I am very sorry that I haven’t been visiting this site this week. I have been given homework and I am trying to finish them all. All the teachers give me homework nearly everyday. Also I am trying to manage my time, I am bad at managing my time lately plus I am trying to join all the groups at school because its my 2nd to last year at high school. I want to try new things this year.

This year the workload is much bigger. I really have to step up my game if I want Merits or Excellences in my internals and externals.
I really want this year to be a good year.

It is quite hot in New Zealand, it can get blazingly hot and can get sun burnt easily but today it in Auckland it is cloudy and it even rained today. What a weird day. LOL

The subjects I am taking are Biology, Chemistry, Physics, English, and Statistics.

I am really loving Biology and English because it is so interesting. The teachers are also so Amazing and cool.

I like biology because we are learning about ecology, which is a study about how animals interact with their environment they live in. We are learning about the Rocky shore, like the organisms and plants that live there. We also go on a trip to an island and collect data. It is very interesting. We get to learn about starfish, top shell snails, shrimp and other cool sea creatures that live on the rocky shore.

Currently I am working on my banner for my class. The banner is for the athletics day parade. Every year each year level is given a theme. Each class in that year level is given each theme thing. Eg: The theme for my year level is reality tv shows. My class’s show is COPS. Cops is an American police show where the camera people follow what the police in USA do. Like arrests and stuff like that. I am not quite sure how my description of the reality tv show cops is that accurate. The banner is made out of paper since it is easier to carry and I don’t have much time to make it. Last year I painted the banner and it was very time consuming. But in the end it looked amazing.

Athletics is on next Tuesday and Thursday. I love athletics day, it is so fun, because you get to hang out with your friends and talk for a whole day. We also have a huge dance party after lunch. I wish you were coming. It WOULD BE SO MUCH FUN. Also the weather is usually really nice and warm.

I saw the 2 videos that you put up. I was so happy because I got to see you and Olivia. I like your room it looks cool. I like the song you sang, it suited your voice. I didn’t know that you sing o_0. I was so surprised.

I am so sorry that I didn’t go and talk to you last Monday. I will make it up to you buy talking to you this Monday. I promise.

School currently is very hectic and there are so many things to learn. AHHHHH. I hope to upload a video on my channel but I am kind of scared. I wish I had the courage you had when you videoed yourself singing.

Sorry this post is very long. I made it long because I need to fill you in all the things that have been going on. Be surprised because I will be posting more hopefully soon.

I really like your poem waves, it is well written. Your writing skills are very good. I used to write poems. Maybe I could type it into my post one day.

I miss you lots and Olivia aswell.


Here is a quote i LOVE. I hope you enjoy it. :)

Friday 15 February 2013

Roots-my poem


                                             lucy choi

sitting peacefully
watching the sunrise of the
 warm breezy morning
my heart steps up

but suddenly the darkness conquers
over the sky over my eyes
air gets cold
and the wind lifts up
the waves gulps up my whole body
sinking and sinking
can't do anything but scream
but my voice is lost
in the deep wide sea

the wave pulls out
everything I have
i colse my eyes
and reach out for myself
I realize i still have
belief inside me

I hold hands with my belief
and strive against the wave
suddenly everything freezes
the waves, the winds
and everthing else is brought back to peace

sitting peacefully
watching the sunrise of the
warm breezy morning
a butterfly fly away

Wednesday 13 February 2013

My Roots

Tuesday 5th Feb.

In English class we read a poem called roots which is written by Louise Phyn which was a past  year 13 student at my highschool. I really like this poem.

Here is that poem:


See the girl                                                                       
See the girl standing                                              
Like a mast in the beached waka.                               
The wind is trying
Hi best                                                                  
To uproot the girl                                     
To whip her into the open mouth
Of the

The wind has angered the sand
And it swirls
In a frenzy of white
And grates
At the face
Of the little mast girl
And her grey silhouette
Dissolves in the sea.

See the girl standing             
 the little mast girl
Is also a tree
And her roots stand strong
Like a mast in the beached waka.                               

In class we talked about the the word roots in the poem and what it could mean. My class all agreed on the roots of the girl meant the things the girl holds dearly which makes her strong like roots of a tree.

We all had a brainstorm of what our roots are.

My roots are my famil,y, you (lucy), past achievement, art, music, documentaries, movies, books, my trip to Hong Kong this year, my love to travel, my beliefs and values, EGGS, Quotes, my culture and heratige.

I really look forward ,to write this piece of writing .Talking about my roots and myself.

 I like this topic because it is very relevant to this day, to us teenagers. Since we are all trying to find things which makes us strong, since life in the future may not be as stable. The things we think which may make us strong maybe destroyed by a little bit of experimentation like Drugs and alcohol. We are also contstantly wanting to find ourselves and thinking about our future.

 I want you: Lucy to write a post about what are your roots and what they mean to you.

-      Cinny
-      I miss you lots

Monday 11 February 2013

hey cinny

hi cinny hows everything?:) it seems that ur quite busy these days...well so am i. actually yesterday was korean traditional new years day, so i had to visit my grandparents who live far away from where i am living on the day before yesterday. Our family went to there house by car and it took 5 hours to get there :0 its such a long time but it was quite bearable.
after we got there, my dad suggested to me and my brother to visit where my dad used to live when he went to primary school. so we said yes and we went to see where our dad lived when he was young. he used to live in the countryside, so it was really cool to visit somewhere that has not many ppl.
and the  next day we came back from grandparents house and went home.:)
so this was why i cudn't visit this blog for the last two days :( sorry


p.s. olivia misses u guys SOOOOOOOO MUCH

Saturday 9 February 2013

hey cinny

yesterday was my graduation:) HURRAY i feel like i am escaping from hell place and starting new. i hate my middle school so i am looking forward to going to highschool. my mum took some photos at my graduation. here are some of the photos :

Wednesday 6 February 2013

oh by the way :)

I wish you the best of luck with ur new teachers, new classmates and etc!!

i am sure u can do well because ur special cinny :) and i ALWAYS support u





hey cinny

whoa  where did you learn 안녕하세요 from?? i was like, wow!:)
um sorry for not writing posts:'( i feel so bad and guilty

today, our whole entire school students went to the movies and watched a movie called 'baksoogundal' (sorry i don't know how to translate this in english) it is about this guy from a gang trying to become a 'moodang' which is a person who scares away ghosts. it was SOOOOO boring that i slept for like half an hour :( such a bad movie
but after the movie my best friends and I went to a huge restaurant called Ashley and it was a buffet. at the restaurant i ate spaghetti, pasta, many kinds of pizzas, fruits, coffee, wedges, chicken, and etc etc. and i ate about 4 plates of food. it was sooooooo yummy i LOVE-LOVE-LOVED IT :)
after that, we went to photo studio and took lots of photos of ourselves, since we wont see each other after graduation. we wanted to leave a memory by taking photos. maybe i shud upload them tomorrow:)
I have 7 best friends. and they are AWESOME!! we always hang out together.:) but they arent as special as you cinny :) they r just typical friends in school, but u r a special friend to me.
7 friends have all different nicknames. their nicknames r called, Cheekballs, chicken, Sandy, Cutiepie, beanpole, model, and lastly I am called mankyung which is a slightly changed name of my korean name. they r soooooo cool and kind. i wish u cud meet them:)\
this weekend i am going to Kangneung, which is the area where my grandparents live. this weekend is special in korea cuz its korean new years day:) its called sulnal in korean. on Sulnal childrens get money from adults for luck of the new year. i cant wait to receive money from my grandparents!!! it makes me so excited :)

luv ya lots

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Meeting my teachers

Dear Diary….

I am sorry that I posted this late , I seem to delay things because I haven’t got much time. But now I have lots because I have a holiday tomorrow. It is called Waitangi day . public Holiday.

Here is the entry I wrote yesterday but didn’t get to post.

4th Feb 2013

Today I meet my teachers for my subjects. Hey seem really nice. But I don’t really mix with the people in some classes. But I am going have to make a real effort to try and make some friends I guess.

Also the BAD thing today is that its my first day meeting my teacher and its RAINING, L What a great way to start.

Yay I survived the first day of doing real work in class. I have to say being Year 12 seems SCARY because after the teacher got to learn our names, we got straight into the work and told us we had lot of stuff to learn. WISH ME LUCK.

I is So scared. I can’t wait to chat to you tonight.

See Ya


Love u lots , Olivia aswell. Marie is getting quite Heartbroken and sad lately. L



, Lucy

I wrote a post on 3rd Feb. Here it is. I am sorry that this is posted REALLY LATe.

Today is 3rd Feb. SERIOUSLY. I cannot believe JANURARY is over and its already Feburary.

Today I watched a documentary called I am Jazz.

The weather today is not nice as yesterday which was very sunny and warm. The sky today is filled with clouds, the bad thing is that you cannot see any blue sky. I am so sad, I love the blue sky. But the cicadas outside are chirping loudly. Plus it is not as warm as yesterday.

I watched one of my fave American shows. It is called The Lying Game. It is very mysterious…. I like the actors because they are really good at portraying their character on the show.

I just saw post. I am very sorry that you are having a really BAD day. I hope it gets better. When I feel sad or I am having a bad day, I will watch a Jacksgap video, cute cat video or a cute baby video. Another thing to brightn up your mood, is to listen to one of your fave songs or quotes.

Tomorrow I get to meet my subject teachers for the first time. I am so scared. PETREFIED. Wish me luck.

I saw your post and reaad that you are graduating soon. I can’t wait for the photos. I am so proud of you. I wish you have a great day.

 I sorry this is QUite short.

From your FRiend CInny.

Love u lots

Wordering how I typed Korean. I translated it on Google Translate. I hope it is alright??

Monday 4 February 2013

Hey Hey

Hi Lucy

On the 2nd Feb I went to a Chinese New Year event held at the ASB showgrounds which is near One Tree Hill. I arrived at the place with my mum at 11am.

The weather is SOOO sunny and hot , that day it was PERFECT to go to the beach like Mission Bay.

I arrived at the place. It looked really small because the room gets smaller cause there are less stalls. Since there are more and more Chinese new year events being held in Auckland.

I remember that when I can to this event with my gran, the room was like 2 times bigger, and there were more stalls also more people aswell. There would be people nudging other people’s shoulders because there were so many people in that huge room. Also when I was little , I use to go to the Nekta Kiwifruit stall and try their juice all the time.

This year I went to their stall about 4- 5 times to drink their yummy juice. I tried all of their juice even their Newest one. But my fave is the Gold kiwifruit juice, it is Sooo sweet. I love it.

At the event I pass out some calendars for mum’s workplace. In the morning I passesd out about 5-6 piles of calendars. It was easier to pass them out because I was at the entrance of the event room. In like 5- 10 mins I would finish a pile. The pile of calendars were about 2 cm thick and would contain about 30 ish calendars.

For lunch I had a beef and 2 vegeterian steamed buns. They were delisious. I really needed a break from passing out sooo many calendars. Also on my break I drank a lot of water because I was really thirsty.

After lunch I passed out more calendars but this time I passed them out with Xt. I passed out less calendars because I got sick of passing them out to people. It was getting sooo BORING. AHHHH …… This time me and Xt passed the calendars outside the event centre, into where the food stalls were.

It was soooo hot outside. I am not joking around here….. IT WAS LIKE AN OVEN. The Sun was practically burning my skin. It is also bright outside. I really needed sunglasses. REAL BADLY. At the food stalls I bought a milk tea and a American hot dog. I did a really bad job passing out the calendars in the afternoon.

Finished passing out calendars. Walked to my mums car. Mum came.

Drove to pak n save. Did some shoppin. Bought sum ice cream.

Drove to One tree hill. Me and my mum went ate some trumpet ice cream . Sooo good. After a day long of HARd work . Yeah.

GOOD DAY TO END this day.