Thursday 28 March 2013

Goodbye 2012. HELLO 2013


Hello 2013…… Goodbye 2012

This post was supposed to be posted in Janurary but I haven’t gotten around to write this, it was on my list to dos but it is on my priority currently. But it is better then never.

This post / entry will be me, Cinny . reflecting about 2012, highlights and my goals for this year.

2012 has been a ROLLERCOASTER rider for me, but I don’t know about you but it has been one scary ride.

In the beginng of 2012 I was a year 11. I was QUITE terrified about doing NCEA Level One internals and externals.

My goals were

-       pass all my exams
-       pass level one ncea
-       get good grades
-       be more organized
-       study
-       do homework
-       use my diary more often

A few weeks after I entered school, I was getting the hang of internals and how they work. I felt abit more relaxed because it wasn’t that complicated.

In the next few terms I did more internals. I got more confident beucase I know what

Then I reached to the time where my school had MOCK exams for seniors like me. I was soooo terrified because I thought they were going to be soo hard and I might not even pass the end of year ones.

I studied really hard. In the end studying was good because it made me more prepared for exams and getting the credits.

Finally I finished all my exams and had a really big holidays. I was so happy that I survived a whole year.

Late Janurary I received my results. I passed 99 percent of my exams except for one. L I was quite happy. I also passed NCEA LEVEL ONE . I was really happy. I also got a merit course endorsement

My highlights of 2012

-       Athletics day
-       Volunteering for Stardome
-       Going to Rotorua.
-       Going to Prize giving and hearing the head girl’s speeaches
-       Seeing the Year 13 assesmbly (leavers assembly)
-       Listening to the headgirl’s and principal’s speech at prize giving
-       My friends 16th Birthday party
-       Last day of school
-       My primary school fair
-       Lantern festival
-       First time receiving 2 merits and one excellence in one day
-       Getting a merit course endorsement in Food Tech
-       Getting a merit for my speech in English

Mostly 2012 was a great year but at times I felt kind of scared because I didn’t know what I wanted to do after high school, which lead me to failing a chemistry test. I felt kind of down. But as time went on I got happier because I relised that I can do many things in my life and my mind is changing constantly I can’t really pin point what I am going to study in the future in university or what I going to do eg Gap year.

The future is unknown, so make the most of now.

My goals these years are

Get a Merit Endorsement in NCEA level 2
Get involved with cultural and clubs and sports around the school.
Get more organised.
Get a holiday job
Volunteer more

I wish this year I want to achieve a lot of things.

In order for me to achieve I must believe in myself, be confident, take risks, ask for help if I am stuck and be positive…..


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