Monday 28 December 2015

heey cinny

I just downloaded wechat and i just made a chat room
click on group chat and look for personal group chat button and there shud be a page where u need to type password. Type 1225 and you can enter our room
If u entered plz let me know
Miss u lots

Hello Lucy :)

Hello Lucy,
Its really nice to hear from you, since it has been such a long time seeing you.
I wish that you had a great Christmas with family and love. I celebrate Christmas most years at a church
friend's house and I attended yesterday. I enjoy going to their house to celebrate Christmas, because everyone is very welcoming and friendly. Very much like a big family gathering.

Today is boxing day in New Zealand. Generally people go to shopping malls because there are some major discounts in stores. The weather today is very nice, warm and sunny which is perfect to go to the beach.
But today I decided to climb up Mt Eden for exercise and its a very nice view that overlooks Auckland city.

This year was my first year of university at AUT  (Auckland University of Technology). I studied towards a Certificate of Applied Science and takes one year to complete. I chose this course because I wanted to explore the different sciences and see what I liked. When studying in the course it has helped me to understand the university's library and computer system to do things which is quite useful. Now I have finished the course. I have applied for a Bachelor of Medical Laboratory for next year and takes 4 years to complete. In your last post you said that you wanted to study communications and media studies, my university specialise in  media communications studies which is cool. University of Utah sounds like a good university and maybe one day I could visit you. 

From mid November to early January, I traveled for 3 weeks to Hong Kong, China and Singapore. 
I quite liked travelling to each different place. Spent 10 days in Hong Kong, 7 days in China and 4 days in Singapore. While travelling around, I discovered that each country has their own unique lifestyle and how the people adapt to their environment. For example the Hong Kong airport customs is fast and efficient. Whereas at Auckland Airport customs is quiet and calm. 

We should definitely keep in touch more often. I would like to wish you all the best for the university of Utah 
entrance exam. I remember Peter being a small boy when I last saw him. But when you mentioned that he is much taller than you, I was surprised. I still have the yellow teddy that looks similar to your green one. When I look at it, reminds me of you. 
The new year is coming soon. I want to wish you and your family a happy new year.

- Cinny 

Wednesday 2 December 2015

hi cinny

hi cinny it has been YEARS not seeing you. i wonder if you still visit this site
recently i finished my korean university entrance exams. sadly, I failed :'( but i'm not losing hope so don't worry :) cuz i know that there will somehow be a way
right now im preparing for another entrance for university of Utah. The actual school is in United States but there's also an Asian campus here in Korea so i may be attending my lectures there for a couple of years and move to US and take lectures there for the rest of the years(if i get to enter this school). i wish i could major in communication&media studies. please wish me luck :)

i tried installing skype but it somehow doesn't work...i dunno sucks
is it ok if we start contacting with each other again? i won't be very busy since i finished all my exams...i know you may be busy on your uni major but i still remember the good times we spent together and still have the doll that you gave me(remember Olivia?).
Christmas is coming and i hope you have good times with your sweet family. wud you plz send my regards to your mum and your brother?
Peter's doing great :) he was a little kid back then when we were in nz but now he is even taller than me. I also hope your family's all well.
How's your school? i'd love to hear about your college life.


Tuesday 18 June 2013


Hello Lucy.

Cinny here...

I am currently typing this posts on a laptop at school. I am such a bad student. Ahhhhhhh... Highly doubt that.

It is finally winter in New Zealand. Currently the cold weather isn't that cold. It is slightly cold in the morning.

But in on last Sunday, The weather was SOON terrible. It was raining like MAD.... trees breaking, trees swaying, and it was Sooo hard to listen to music or watch a movie or something since the rain was hitting so hard. Every half an hour I had to adjust my volume on the computer since it was raining soooo hard. At one point I had to adjust the volume to its highest. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT. It was that bad. I probably went Deaf. Not the greatest day. Luckily i Stayed in my house all safe. YAY.

But the good thing is that the madness of rain stopped at 4 pm in the afternoon. The sun came out, and the rainbow appeared. All was good.

I am currently listening to LOVE ME AGAIN by John Newman
I have to say this is SUCH a good song. When I first heard it I was hooked.

I suggests whoever reads this post... search it up on YouTube.
I guarantee that it is a good song..

The song makes me happy. :)

Ahh my next class is  soon. SHould get a move on. There are sooo many spelling mistakes.

When I do my next post I will , write a piece i wrote.


Friday 14 June 2013



It has been a VERY LONG time since I have been on this blog. I am so sorry. I guess that you, Lucy have been getting ready for highschool, or maybe in highschool. Yes, getting started into  highschool is scary. I believe you will make friends and get good grades. I feel like I have repeated my self, by typing a phrase or sentence similar like this. I just want to point to you, friends and studies are important. But mainly studies.

How have I been lately, ummm. I guess you can say good. Second to last year of highschool is tough. NCEA level 2. It is much harder and expect more. Ahhhhh. I will try my best and get those credits. I also have been doing numerous tests. I don’t even know how many tests I have done in the past few months, probibally 15.But I highly doubt that, it feels like I have done 15 , because I have been preparing for so many tests after test and assignments, non stop. I guess there are a few breaks. Also much more information are being given and information to learn.

The interesting this is that we have our birthday close together. It sooo cool. Yours is in April and mine is in May. Twins, hahahaha….

I am so sorry that I haven’t been posting as much enteries but I will try my hardest, but as you can see you and I, are busy with highschool. Maybe we could post more on this blog when we are on holiday???

I wish June, it will be a good month. May was a good month.

Miss you lots, good luck for your exams. 

- Cinny 
Your dearest best friend

Thursday 9 May 2013

Hello Hello

Hello Hello

Oh my god…. It has been QUITE A LONG TIME since I have been posting a post on this blog. I have broken the promise. Ahhhhhh

I have been caught up with juggling school work, studying and sports.

Oh yeah. Did I tell you that I have been involved with cycling, with the school team. Currently I am loaning a bike from the school. Road cycling is very different because you are actually riding a bike fast on the road, and speed is cruitial. It is very intense as I tell you…. We have trainings 2 times a weeek and have to wave up at 5 am in THE MORNING and go traing AHHH…. Well I am kind of scared because I need to really manage my time EXTREMELY Well because the night before I have to go to bed early to get enough sleep and get ready everything for the next day. My bike is yellow and I really like it. But the bad thing is that it is quite heavy L


Ii am so sorry that I did not post an entry on your birthday, I was very busy, I am pretty sure that you were too. The most important day of the year YOUR BIRTHDAY!!!!!! I am such a bad friend for not posting anything. And it has been nearly a month.

Currently it is getting colder in New Zealand, as we are heading into WINTER. AHHHH. Chilly morning, clouds of breath, warm heaters, rainy days, frosty grass, cold hands, chill down your spine, long boots, warm ugg boots or slippers, hot chocolates, warm tea, gloves , scarfs, making warm cheese toasties, grogy mornings, Oh WINTER. Sometimes I really do enjoy the cold season. You get to stay nice and cosy in the weekends. But I hate waking up to school and feeling cold since the warmness of the bed has GONE… Also the days are shorter and nights are longer. Gets dark early.

This is a LONG Post Ahh

Another thing to look forward in May is that its my birthday soon and I am turning older. I am sooo scared. 16 years I have been alive. That is a very long time. Ahhh….

Ii wish you all the best for highschool and school work. I know that you will work hard and achieve a lot. But make sure you have fun and make friends and live in the moment.


Your dearest best friend

Marie also miss you and Olivia LOTS. She cries a lot and has nighmares. But every sec thinks of You and Livia.

- Cinny

Note: all Pictures uploaded are from tumblr. All rights go to the creaters

Thursday 28 March 2013

Goodbye 2012. HELLO 2013


Hello 2013…… Goodbye 2012

This post was supposed to be posted in Janurary but I haven’t gotten around to write this, it was on my list to dos but it is on my priority currently. But it is better then never.

This post / entry will be me, Cinny . reflecting about 2012, highlights and my goals for this year.

2012 has been a ROLLERCOASTER rider for me, but I don’t know about you but it has been one scary ride.

In the beginng of 2012 I was a year 11. I was QUITE terrified about doing NCEA Level One internals and externals.

My goals were

-       pass all my exams
-       pass level one ncea
-       get good grades
-       be more organized
-       study
-       do homework
-       use my diary more often

A few weeks after I entered school, I was getting the hang of internals and how they work. I felt abit more relaxed because it wasn’t that complicated.

In the next few terms I did more internals. I got more confident beucase I know what

Then I reached to the time where my school had MOCK exams for seniors like me. I was soooo terrified because I thought they were going to be soo hard and I might not even pass the end of year ones.

I studied really hard. In the end studying was good because it made me more prepared for exams and getting the credits.

Finally I finished all my exams and had a really big holidays. I was so happy that I survived a whole year.

Late Janurary I received my results. I passed 99 percent of my exams except for one. L I was quite happy. I also passed NCEA LEVEL ONE . I was really happy. I also got a merit course endorsement

My highlights of 2012

-       Athletics day
-       Volunteering for Stardome
-       Going to Rotorua.
-       Going to Prize giving and hearing the head girl’s speeaches
-       Seeing the Year 13 assesmbly (leavers assembly)
-       Listening to the headgirl’s and principal’s speech at prize giving
-       My friends 16th Birthday party
-       Last day of school
-       My primary school fair
-       Lantern festival
-       First time receiving 2 merits and one excellence in one day
-       Getting a merit course endorsement in Food Tech
-       Getting a merit for my speech in English

Mostly 2012 was a great year but at times I felt kind of scared because I didn’t know what I wanted to do after high school, which lead me to failing a chemistry test. I felt kind of down. But as time went on I got happier because I relised that I can do many things in my life and my mind is changing constantly I can’t really pin point what I am going to study in the future in university or what I going to do eg Gap year.

The future is unknown, so make the most of now.

My goals these years are

Get a Merit Endorsement in NCEA level 2
Get involved with cultural and clubs and sports around the school.
Get more organised.
Get a holiday job
Volunteer more

I wish this year I want to achieve a lot of things.

In order for me to achieve I must believe in myself, be confident, take risks, ask for help if I am stuck and be positive…..