Wednesday 2 December 2015

hi cinny

hi cinny it has been YEARS not seeing you. i wonder if you still visit this site
recently i finished my korean university entrance exams. sadly, I failed :'( but i'm not losing hope so don't worry :) cuz i know that there will somehow be a way
right now im preparing for another entrance for university of Utah. The actual school is in United States but there's also an Asian campus here in Korea so i may be attending my lectures there for a couple of years and move to US and take lectures there for the rest of the years(if i get to enter this school). i wish i could major in communication&media studies. please wish me luck :)

i tried installing skype but it somehow doesn't work...i dunno sucks
is it ok if we start contacting with each other again? i won't be very busy since i finished all my exams...i know you may be busy on your uni major but i still remember the good times we spent together and still have the doll that you gave me(remember Olivia?).
Christmas is coming and i hope you have good times with your sweet family. wud you plz send my regards to your mum and your brother?
Peter's doing great :) he was a little kid back then when we were in nz but now he is even taller than me. I also hope your family's all well.
How's your school? i'd love to hear about your college life.


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