Tuesday 18 June 2013


Hello Lucy.

Cinny here...

I am currently typing this posts on a laptop at school. I am such a bad student. Ahhhhhhh... Highly doubt that.

It is finally winter in New Zealand. Currently the cold weather isn't that cold. It is slightly cold in the morning.

But in on last Sunday, The weather was SOON terrible. It was raining like MAD.... trees breaking, trees swaying, and it was Sooo hard to listen to music or watch a movie or something since the rain was hitting so hard. Every half an hour I had to adjust my volume on the computer since it was raining soooo hard. At one point I had to adjust the volume to its highest. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT. It was that bad. I probably went Deaf. Not the greatest day. Luckily i Stayed in my house all safe. YAY.

But the good thing is that the madness of rain stopped at 4 pm in the afternoon. The sun came out, and the rainbow appeared. All was good.

I am currently listening to LOVE ME AGAIN by John Newman
I have to say this is SUCH a good song. When I first heard it I was hooked.

I suggests whoever reads this post... search it up on YouTube.
I guarantee that it is a good song..

The song makes me happy. :)

Ahh my next class is  soon. SHould get a move on. There are sooo many spelling mistakes.

When I do my next post I will , write a piece i wrote.


Friday 14 June 2013



It has been a VERY LONG time since I have been on this blog. I am so sorry. I guess that you, Lucy have been getting ready for highschool, or maybe in highschool. Yes, getting started into  highschool is scary. I believe you will make friends and get good grades. I feel like I have repeated my self, by typing a phrase or sentence similar like this. I just want to point to you, friends and studies are important. But mainly studies.

How have I been lately, ummm. I guess you can say good. Second to last year of highschool is tough. NCEA level 2. It is much harder and expect more. Ahhhhh. I will try my best and get those credits. I also have been doing numerous tests. I don’t even know how many tests I have done in the past few months, probibally 15.But I highly doubt that, it feels like I have done 15 , because I have been preparing for so many tests after test and assignments, non stop. I guess there are a few breaks. Also much more information are being given and information to learn.

The interesting this is that we have our birthday close together. It sooo cool. Yours is in April and mine is in May. Twins, hahahaha….

I am so sorry that I haven’t been posting as much enteries but I will try my hardest, but as you can see you and I, are busy with highschool. Maybe we could post more on this blog when we are on holiday???

I wish June, it will be a good month. May was a good month.

Miss you lots, good luck for your exams. 

- Cinny 
Your dearest best friend